
Import Customs Clearance

Import of Goods

Import Customs Clearance, How It Works?

The word “import” commonly refers to entering goods into the customs territory. However, the term is not used to describe the customs procedure for the clearance of goods brought into the customs territory of the Union. The procedure allowing non-Union goods to move freely within the customs territory of the Union in the same way as Union goods is known as a release for free circulation.
From a customs’ point of view, release for free circulation changes the status of non-Union goods into Union goods. It entails the completion of all formalities laid down for importation; 90% of the cases will be a release procedure, and the remaining 10% will be special procedures.
Import of Goods – Restrictions
There are many restrictions on importing goods but these can be divided into two categories:
  • Tariff   –  Clauses and tariff quotas allow imports of a certain quantity of a product at a lower import duty rate (quota duty rate) than the duty generally applied to that product.
  • Non-tariff – Quantitative restrictions, import taxes, import surveillance, levies, technical standards, sanitary and veterinary requirements that goods must meet to enter a given market

Testimonials from many satisfied customers

We present you with a dozen or so recent testimonials from satisfied customers. We would like the next testimonial to be written by you. We invite you to make use of our services.

"I appreciate your diligence, knowledge and professionalism in handling this re-export in the right way. Brokers like you are like gold. It has been a pure pleasure to work with you."

John Doe


"We are delighted to finally be able to give you more business! You are the only decent broker we have come across, so the lack of service/knowledge from others is extremely frustrating."

Jane Doe


Why choose us?

Import broker UK - We are trusted by more than 150 partners worldwide.

We will relieve you of as much work and effort as possible. Your choice of a customs agency determines the way in which the inspection will proceed. That’s why we give you comprehensive customs services for imports and exports. DCP Logistics – Import Customs Clearance Agency.

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export customs clearance