
Export Customs Clearance

Our Export Customs Services

What is the export of goods?

The export procedure shall enable community goods to be removed from the customs territory. From a customs’ point of view, community goods exported change their status to that of non-community goods. In the case of non-community goods, this operation shall be called “re-exportation.”

The export procedure entails the application of all exit formalities, including, where applicable, the payment of export refunds and the presentation of export licences.

What is the purpose and scope of the procedure?


The export procedure is mandatory for EU goods leaving the EU customs territory with few exceptions. This is because the procedure must ensure that all export measures are correctly applied, e.g., export restrictions and surveillance measures.

The export procedure generally provides for two steps:

Export Customs Declaration


First, the exporter/declarant presents the goods, his declaration, and, if necessary, his export licence at the customs office competent for the place where he is established or where the goods are packed or loaded for export.

The export customs declaration shall be lodged electronically through the CHIEF/ CDS control system, to which the goods and the export declaration are presented, releases the goods, and forwards the export declaration data to the declared customs office of exit.

Presentation of Goods for Export


The goods are then presented to the customs office of exit, which examines the goods presented based on the information received from the customs office of export, ensures that they correspond to those declared, and supervises their physical exit.

In the case of goods exported by rail, post, air, or sea, the customs office of exit may be responsible for the place where the goods are taken over under a single transport contract for carriage to a third country (e.g., port, airport, railway station).

Goods declared for export shall remain under customs supervision until they are brought out of the customs territory. Where the customs offices of export and exit are different, the customs office of exit shall inform the customs office of export of the exit of the goods. 

Testimonials from many satisfied customers

We present you with a dozen or so recent testimonials from satisfied customers. We would like the next testimonial to be written by you. We invite you to make use of our services.

"I appreciate your diligence, knowledge and professionalism in handling this re-export in the right way. Brokers like you are like gold. It has been a pure pleasure to work with you."

John Doe


"We are delighted to finally be able to give you more business! You are the only decent broker we have come across, so the lack of service/knowledge from others is extremely frustrating."

Jane Doe


Why choose us?

We are trusted by more than 150 partners worldwide.

We will relieve you of as much work and effort as possible. Your choice of a customs agency determines the way in which the inspection will proceed. That’s why we give you comprehensive customs services for imports and exports. DCP Logistics – Export Customs Clearance Agency.

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Affordable prices

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export customs clearance